there's a hole in your soul, like an animal
     It had not been his intention to destroy her. He saw this was inevitable. Her eyes betrayed her, just as her body language and her breath did. Gabriel had learned long ago how to watch people, and this was no exception. The brief time he had spent as a spy, performing what little espionage was needed, this had been his stepping stone. War had taken these novice skills and turned him into an expert. Not without fault, of course—the scar on his muzzle spoke of this blatantly.
     The corner of Gabriel’s mouth turned down, and he exhaled through his nose. “I don’t know what you expect to find,” he said with the same patient voice, now laced with a warning. “But if I find anything I doubt it will be what you want to hear.” Because he knew—he knew in his heart what had happened. He knew what the smell in the shed meant. Perhaps it had started as assault, and perhaps it had been forced…but the wolf was sick. In the end, he had wanted it. Gabriel’s muzzle twitched, disturbed by the thought.

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