you are my sweetest downfall
LOOK AT THAT AVATAR! Who could NOT want that? ;o

As much pain as it had caused her, she too was happy to know that once again they had made it past their problems. They had hit a bump in the road more than once, but it had never lasted more than a few days. Within a few days her love for him overcame whatever else she felt and she wanted to make things better. Savina knew that she never wanted to be with anyone else. She loved Kansas fully and completely. He was all that she wanted and all that she needed. With him by her side, she would be able to overcome whatever hardships life threw their way. Their bond was special. Some relationships, for whatever reason, lacked the staying power to make it last. For them, that wasn't true.

It had been a long time since they had made love. After she had found out she was pregnant they had stopped and there hadn't been any since then. They really hadn't had any moments to themselves after the children had been born. But now that they were alone she wanted him, just as she always did. She wanted to feel it again, she wanted to be so completely one with him again. He responded to her advances at once and the feel of their bodies rubbing together sent shock waves down her spine. "I need this..." she whispered back to him in a sultry tone. She ran her fingers down his back, loving the feel of him beneath her touch. Feeling the way his muscles moved beneath the skin.


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