I know he'll say that he's in love
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Geneva listened as the tale unfolded. She kept her eyes on the woman, so glad just to see her once again. Although it seemed she had fallen from grace, she cared very much for the white-furred green-eyed wolfess. Naniko had made such an impact on her life. She had helped to turn her life around when she had hit rock bottom. She sensed that there was a sadness, a wistfulness inside of her despite the lightness of some of her words. The gray furred woman wanted to reach out and comfort her, but she decided it would be better to just listen to what the woman had to say. There was too much for them to catch up on to interrupt Naniko now.

The woman was pleasantly surprised when Naniko mentioned her pregnancy. It was such joyous news, and she could not keep herself from interjecting for a moment. "Nani, that is wonderful!" She smiled brightly at the woman. Naniko made beautiful children. She thought back to the first time she had met her pups, Haven and Mati. She hadn't been especially close to any of the children, except for Haven when he was young, but she knew that they had grown up to be strong. She made a mental note to check up on the pups - now adults - before too much time passed.

Naniko described the father of her unborn children vaguely. She had not kept very good tabs on Crimson Dreams, as she had been busy with matters in Phoenix Valley, so she did not know the identity of the man from Naniko's verbal clues. That did not matter to Geneva though. She was just glad that things were working out, as much as possible, for Naniko now. "If you ever need a safe place, come to Phoenix Valley," Geneva told her, her voice serious despite her smile. "You or your children, even if you only need temporary shelter and resources. My door will always be open to you."

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