Hello Sunshine;
300, omg so sorry for lateness

She said that he was doing fine, and a grateful, yet not fully convinced, smile was sent in her direction. The boy’s eyes however, stayed firmly on the ground. It felt so wrong, so how could this possibly be right. There was no other way though, because it seemed like his back legs had increased in length, so it would not at all be comfortable to pad around on four legs anymore. This fact was horrible. It was hard to force his mind to maintain this calm, because this body was a prison and he had no idea of for how long he would be trapped in it. Nails scratched helplessly against the human made wall, finding no assistance. Why did she not help him? He wanted to cling to the pregnant woman like a cub, hang on to her and let his legs go limb. He wished Alexey was here and held him, because she was the rock in his life. Alexey was out and all he had was the intriguing woman with the moonlit eyes.

A tormented grimace came to life in his face when she said that they were to move out, and the boy could no longer keep his fear on bay. His breaths increased involuntary, but the boy nodded and reached for bravery. Slowly, he took his first step. There was pressure behind his eyes, but the tears kept their distance, luckily. He moved step by step, trailing the walls closer than a devoted shadow after its master. He wished the woman had not come so that he could have stayed on the floor, being his pathetic self waiting for Alexey to come save the world. Her hand seemed oddly far away, but he reached it and held on as if something horrible would happen if he was ever to let go. Once again it struck him how impossibly tall he was, because he did no longer have to look straight up to gaze into the woman's eyes. Everything seemed further away, and the boy slowly, so slowly walked towards the exit. He turned to look at the woman for reassurance, praying that she would not force him to take those first steps completely on his own just yet. "It feels weird." the boy commented, most of all because he was uncomfortable with silence. Perhaps she would not let go instantly then either once they had gone outside.


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