A Place in Displacement
     By all accounts, he was indeed a threat. If he turned on her now he could harm her seriously before she managed to escape or call for help. He could potentially kill her. This was not his goal, though—his intentions had never been to cause bloodshed. They had only been to go home. Now, though, he had found something of interest. A blue-eyed woman who knew a higher power, one that was not his own.
     His mouth parted in a smile, revealing off-white teeth. “He is both lion and lamb. He gives and He takes as is His Will.” And everything between. God had taken his brother from him and sent him into the wilderness. God had also sent the woman to find him. God had told him to destroy two worlds, and he had done so. What would she think if she knew that? Likely, she would hate him. She would turn on him and try to kill him where he stood. “And yours?” He questioned, entirely curious as to what separated them so.


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