Such is life
Short post, sorry!

His heavy heart was not growing lighter as he kept looking at the poor thing, and although this stranger smelled very weird, he let her come closer. He didn't care much about his surroundings right now anyway, because he had hurt something, and it didn't feel good. He didn't really know what to call it, but if this was what it was what it was like to feel bad about doing something, then he never wanted to do it again. But, when the female wanted to know what happened, it became a little bit to much for the young male. His eyes gained moistness and he backed away from her, tail between his legs. "I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" His ears were flat against his skull. Taking some steps backward the boy cursed his own clumsy ways, because he didn't like them, he never had, and now he had done something very very bad. The bird fluttered with the added volume to his voice, and though the boy did not know it, this was the first time except in uncle Ly's cabin he'd ever reacted so strongly to a negative situation. His voice was laden with defense, but also a hint of a plea for innocence. He'd never meant to do it, he didn't want to hurt things that were not food. Stopping some feet away from his original position, his bottom met the ground with an abrupt motion. The tears he'd been hiding now flooded his eyes, but the boy did not make sounds of crying. He just stared at the ground ahead of him, uncertain where else to look.

"I don't think you can make it feel better. I think it'd going to die." His quiet voice was nothing like the Emwe most people knew.


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