Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?
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WC: 300
I fail! ;__; But now I can make hover-translations, yayy....

Jacquez had rarely used a cup before; utensils were a luxury in the south, and besides, it was an unnecessary step for a one-armed Optime to try to pour the contents of a bottle into something else he could not steady. But Heath deftly performed the task with ease, both men keenly drawn to the spicy aroma that wafted from the strong drink. Jacquez licked his lips instinctively, eying the glass as the amber-eyed coy-wolf nudged it closer to him.

Unable to resist any longer, under Heath's careful scrutiny, the monarch laced his fingers around the cup and tipped back his muzzle, quaffing the vodka in one fell swoop. He slammed the empty glass back to the counter, wiping his lips on his feathered arm as he barked appreciatively. "Phwoar, qui brûle! Je l'adore!" With a 'clink', the chipped old glass was nudged back towards the younger hybrid, clearly indicating whose turn it was to take a 'shot'. The stronger it was, the better it felt. At least, that was the mad king's motto.

It finally dawned on him that Heath had been speaking that whole time, not simply playing the bartender to appease the mad king. Jac paused for a moment, to let his short attention span backtrack, until he could focus on what was said. "Looking for me?" he repeated, tilting his head quizzically so that his fringed ears flopped to one side. He licked his lips, savoring the strong residual flavor before responding."Well, I have been out and about, 'seeing the sights', if you will... L'homme doit faire ce que l'homme doit faire, am I right?" His nonchalant answer was probably the best explanation he would offer... He had never had a solid reason to vanish for a month, other than wanderlust. Surely a nomad such as Heath would understand that.


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