the protagonist dies in this chapter

The feeling of him nuzzling her was odd at first, not something she quite expected from him, though after a moment of hesitation she accepted it. It felt good, different than when she tried to do it to Arkham, but good just the same. "I thought you already were." She said honestly, lifting her eyes for a moment to stare up at his face. Gabriel's parents were gone, Faolin's, Hybrid's, and just about everyone else's that she could think of. Hell, even his parents were gone. Her mother had up and left but Laruku was still here, which had to have meant something, at least in her mind. "I thought you were doin' okay." At least, up until the meeting.

Couldn't they just go back to how it was? "Is it really okay if I'm here?" She asked finally, unsure whether she actually wanted the answer to that or not. If not, well, she supposed that she really would have to go back to Inferni, even if she'd thought she was keeping him company or doing him some kind of good by being around.


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