there's a hole in your soul, like an animal

OOC: ::Word Count:: 400+

Nothing could have prepared Urma for what she was about to hear. For a moment, she thought that they had been talking about completely different wolves all along. But it was clear that that was just a fantasy scenario. There was nothing to support such a theory except her disbelief that what she was hearing could possibly be true. Lovers? Urma sat down, almost collapsed on the ground, heavy with the weight of the wolf's words. This was what he didn't want her to know. She wasn't sorry he had told her. This was a crucial bit of information. It was the missing piece of a puzzle she didn't even know what use it was to solve. How could she tell anyone else? How could she tell Savina? She wouldn't keep the journey here a secret from her friend, but this was something no one should know. It was Pilot's story. His secret, and now hers.

Her gaze was lost into space. She didn't want to imagine what the wolf in front of her must have seen, and the mere thought pained her, so she was certain any type of imagery would simply destroy her. What had happened? Her shocked mind refused to believe this was anything Pilot would have done of his own accord. Had he not thought about her? All the while he was here with Hybrid, willingly, from what this male said, everyone who knew him had been worried for him. But his confession to Savina, that he had been kidnapped... it served as proof that he regretted what had happened between himself and Hybrid. Her mind was made up-- she would not tell anyone. Suddenly, the certainty that all of this would weigh on her mind until the day Pilot showed up, if he ever did, frightened her. But she was certain that this was what she had to do. Pilot's face came to mind, his grey eyes, his expression as they had laid together on the grass. Had he had that same expression with Hybrid? Why should she be torturing herself with this?

"Thank you. For helping me." Urma was desperate to fill in the silence that allowed her mind space and time to think. "I hope my insistence hasn't bothered you. If it has, my apologies." She could barely understand, herself, how she could control her emotions. She was certain that as soon as she was a safe distance away from the pack, she'd break down. "Just... since it's been rude of me not to ask... Who has been the wolf willing enough to help me? I doubt the time will come, but maybe one day, I could return the service." Making allies amongst foes had not been on her mind at all, but the thought occurred to her as she finished speaking.


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