I wont falter nor fail
Oh, how bright Halo’s world was now when a kind local would follow her home. The Lykoi offspring attempted to fool herself just like she was currently fooling this wolf. One could not be Master of Arts all of a sudden. Halo had many well developed skills, but she had never attempted to pull of such a stunt before. In order to keep her face and body true and sincere, she played along, imagining she actually was lost and all that shit. It helped. She felt grateful for the girl’s kindness, both because she already had agreed to help the hybrid out, and because she would not be scolded for roaming so close to a wolf pack. Despite all this, it did not even once touch Halo’s mind that this could be a proof of that wolves too could be kind creatures, which was the total opposite of the Inferni girl’s beliefs. Things just did not work that way for the youth. Wolves had a history and had to be punished no matter what. It was not truly Halo’s fight though. If she had wished to, she would instantly have been welcomed into a wolf pack because of the good wolf percentage in her blood, but she’d rather drop dead before such a thing happened.

”I’m glad to hear, I don’t want to cause any trouble..” the girl breathed out with relief, walking alongside of the lupus. She just had to keep her mind calm, that was all. Although Halo had not plotted all this in details, she knew what to do. Not all individuals knew what a gun was, but it was useful for a lot of things, especially if the individual knew exactly how much harm a bullet could do. Halo had realized a flaw with her choice of weapon though. She was using normal bullets. She would have loved to get something heavier and some hunting ammunition. Almost regardless of where such a bullet would hit the body, the victim would almost certainly die, because such ammunition had been developed to do extra damage, and cause large bleeding in order to shorting the animal’s suffering. Hah. Things went much faster than she had expected, and her line of thought died when she realized that they were at the building. Ruby eyes turned to the young wolf and contently observed the mud and dirt that covered her nose. It was obvious by scent that this was no home, but without the perfect ability to smell this; this would not be discovered before it was too late.

”Come in, I want to show you something before you go, as a little token of my appreciation.” the soft melody of the Lykoi announced, without any hint of the cruelty that was to come. Halo, wanted to show the girl her pets. Once inside of the building, it was revealed that it was slightly emptier than what could have been expected. There were a few crates in one of the corners, together with ropes and some metal cages that barely could be detected behind a large crate. It was not unnatural to keep pets, so Halo doubted that fact alone would freak out the girl accompanying her. However, Addison would have to go around the crate to be able to see Halo’s pets’ true nature. Coagulated blood on the cage floors, probably a few dead rats. They had not been fed since they had been captured, which was months ago. They had lived off each other, and were hungrier than ever now, because Halo had started to remove the corpses of the most unfortunate and weak rodents instantly. They were in perfect shape. ”Go see, say what you think!” Halo sang out brightly, genuinely excited to see the girl’s reaction when she finally was to notice that she would die in this building. Halo walked along with the girl, but slowing down to eventually walk behind the wolf, for no other reason than apparently wanting to let Addison see this sight first.


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