you are my sweetest downfall
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Lmao! You know it. Wink

Kansas didn't have the personality-type of the unfaithful, no matter who he may have ended up with. But what told him that his relationship with Savina was special was the fact that he never thought of anyone else in a sexual way. His thoughts didn't stray. She was the most beautiful, fun woman he'd ever met, and that she was his still shocked him at times. He'd never expected to end up with someone half as good as she was. He never wanted to be this close to anyone but her. The thought of it made him sick. She was all he needed, all he desired. So of course, to feel so completely satisfied set their relationship apart from so many others. At least for him. He wondered if it was too much to believe she felt the same way.

He felt her body's response to his pelvis moving against hers like a wave of electricity. He was suddenly ravenous for her; her words were spoken in a tone that drove him crazy. Kansas arched his back, sighing out a reply.
"I do too." He trailed kisses from her jawline down her neck, nibbling the tender skin there. His lips touched the base of her throat, moving down between her breasts. His teeth grazed her ribs, her belly, anywhere he could taste her. Pale blue eyes flickered to her face, his expression a half smile, eager to see her reaction. He wanted to make this perfect for her. He could tell her he loved her in many different ways, but right now he needed to show her physically.


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