Findings on the Beast's grin Peninsula
OOC: Claire, I don't mind if you join after I post.

Hanna had steadily been losing her grip on the man and she knew it. She was trying her best to keep ahold of him, but as he so astutely mentioned, his equipment was heavy, perhaps heavier than the unconscious male himself. His limp form slid suddenly from her shoulders and she only barely twisted around to catch him enough to keep him from serious harm.

Slumping to the ground, Hanna admitted defeat - for the moment. All she needed was someone to carry his belongings, and then she could get him the rest of the way to the packlands. They were within sight of the fields, but Hanna knew that if she didn't find some other way to get his stuff there, she risked really hurting her ward and herself.

Tipping her head back, Hanna loosed a quick call to whoever was closest to the fields to please come assist her, and quickly, please. Then she arched to pop her back and swiveled her head to do the same thing to her neck. Meanwhile, she took a quick inventory of what the man actually had with him. Hmm.. a crossbow and bolts for it, and an odd box that, when opened, contained little things with sharp barbs in them. She'd have to ask what that was for when he came to.

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