these demon days

The lady smiled to show that she was still paying attention, though that was about it. She sat back to watch Jeff and Ty have their conversation as she idly wondered what it was like to have a relationship like they had with someone you weren't related to through blood. Though Asariel was normally outgoing and enjoyed throwing herself into a conversation, she just wanted to sit back and observe Jeff and Ty. She knew she didn't really have any feelings for Ty at all, and he felt the same. They had both agreed to try things with each other, but it had never happened.

Asariel couldn't help but be amused suddenly. She'd been so distracted, her thoughts so wound up, that she had forgotten all about her poor friend. She then felt momentarily saddened; her emotions had been everywhere lately, scattered every which way. She was only beginning to gather them, but hey, you had to start somewhere right?


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