looking for a chance to stray

OOC: ::Word Count:: 300+

Urma followed Gotham with her eyes, glad to see that that the fact that they might not find any small dragonflies hadn't dispirited the pup in the slightest. She didn't want him to think the day had gone to waste, because it had been very fun to go searching for the colourful insects and she'd definitely be up to go again at another time. Now she had to think of a different game for them to play, one that would hopefully entertain the small wolf just as much as their dragonfly hunt had done. She smiled as Gotham fell back, almost bumping into her side, and she shook her head slightly to say that she hadn't minded at all. "I doubt you have. Like I said, they're probably too small to fly at any rate. But we could play something else as well, couldn't we?" She sat up, looking around, and an idea occurred to her out of the blue. "Would you be up for a hide and seek game? I'll count."

She paced around a bit, keen to find a good place where there would be accessible hiding places for Gotham, as well as a place for her to count. They'd also have to move slightly from the edge of the water, in case the small pup slipped in, which Urma didn't want to happen. "We shouldn't be too close to the lake, otherwise we might trip and tumble in. We wouldn't want to take a swim just now, would we?" She tried to keep him focused on her as she moved away from the edge to a safer place surrounded by firm soil. Urma didn't want to take any chances with the wolf, seeing as his small frame didn't stand much chance, and even if she could fish him out, she didn't want him to have a bad experience with the water. He'd learn to enjoy it as he grew and it was premature to let it potentially frighten him now. She smiled at him warmly, hoping he'd take her offer for a new game.


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