Everything Changes With Time

She backed away from the building, making sure not to inhale the smoke that was coming off of it. The wind had changed as she'd stood there, looking out into the city, and now much of the smoke and ash was coming in her direction. She walked a little ways out of the way of it, then looked again. Ah! There the wolf was. He looked a little different with the new tattoo; wasn't a tattoo around the eye rather painful? She had heard about tattoos...they didn't sound like too much fun. But it was a way to express oneself, so she was all for it. "Hello, Jazper. I didn't expect to see anyone out in these parts."

She also didn't expect that anyone would be looking for her; what reason did they have to come and find her? Maybe Savina wanted some kind of revenge. "I do like it." She said. "I didn't know anyone was looking for me or I might have maid myself more..availiable. Stayed at home more. And this fire--it's a good thing. I'm burning down one of the places that has drugs in it."


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