You give it all but I want more
ooc: short; very tired XD but i wanted to reply

The sewer system of Halifax was old, but it had proven to be reliable through the heavy rain and storms that they had gone through over the last few weeks. She couldn't even imagine what it would be like for Ehno in Crimson Dreams, with the mansion there right next to the lake. It had probably flooded the whole entire thing! She was curious about it, but was trying to put that pack out of her thoughts as much as she could.

Jack noticed that someone was approaching first, and set off a series of peeps that made her snap her head up. He'd only ever sounded like that when there was real danger around; lately, she hadn't run into too many wolves in the city. "Who's out there?" She growled, sinking down a little in the grasses and reeds to hide herself a litle better. She was on neutral territory, nothing hopefully whoever it was wouldn't be looking for a fight.

She dropped the herbs that were in her mouth when she spoke and forgot about them as soon as they hit the ground. This was more important. So far she had carried these pups well; she wanted no accidents. She had fought and won against her habit for them and for Ehno, and this other wolf wouldn't take that away from her. The white wolf could see movement in the grasses to her left and she stood up suddenly, teeth bared. The sight that arrested her gaze was not that of another loner, was quite the opposite. She took a different posture, more subdued and perhaps a little embarrassed. "I didn't think I'd see you out here, Ehno. But I was on my way to see you, anyway. I'm sorry that I lunged at you...I thought you were someone else. Maybe I've spent too long in the city." Too long alone, even.


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