``like a bird [she] /flies/ *away*

OOC:Yay matching tables!

Stepping out of the mansion the black figure gave a small yawn. This was what they called teh lazy days of summer. He had just spent the morning in the library practicing his violin and the piano, reading, and most recently sharpening his knife and sword. However, as hunger started to tug as his stomach he had decided it was far to nice of a day to stay inside till night! The sun was bright and hot, perfect for a stroll on the beach. However, first he'd have to run all the way there. He placed his lunch, a sandy colored rabbit, into his mouth as he started running.

It felt so good to stretch his legs, sitting in the library all day just was not the same. If he continued on this way he might have to start training every morning again. As it was he didn't get out to run as much as he would like and there was only so much exercise to do in the mansion, even if the humans had left metal heavy things around to workout with. his heart slowly pumped harder just in time for the beach to come into view. With a deep breath he slowed to a walk and continued right into the water. Wading along in knee high water was definitely one way to cool down. Stopping he looked out at the waves, they where so beautiful and the ocean water smelt so much like...like Savina's sister? His face twisted in confusion as he looked around, Her tiny figure off in the distance consistently growing larger the closer he got.

"Ghita!" He called as he approached her with a smile. Stopping a few feet away from her he watched her little form for a reaction. Suddenly his smile dropped. What if she didn't recognize him in this form? She had seemed so intimidated the last time she had seen him. Jazper started to worry, he hated making others, new members for the most part, uncomfortable. What could he do though, she was even scared of his halfling form! As an idea popped into his head he held out a finger, "One second." He hurried a fair distance away before stripping off his shorts and placing them, his knife and belt, and his sword and sheath onto the sandy ground. His body started to change, shift, slowly it became smaller and smaller, his long clawed arms becoming paws and even his halfling form mane began to shrink.

Lifting a paw he trotted to the waters edge to catch his reflection. He was so small! His lupus form hadn't been used since he first shifted, almost a year ago now. It felt so familiar and yet, so useless. He silently reassured himself that there was no chance of having to defend himself or Ghita, that it would be absurd for anyone to cross this far into Crimson Dreams territory, even by accident. He walked back over to the Marino woman with a sheepish smile. "Ghita, it's me Jazper." He said a warm soft tone. He didn't want to scare the girl off. Although he probable should have thought of that before running up to her in his Optime form, and then shifting in front of her.


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