Inside her knitted sanctuary

It was easy to relate to Urma; Naniko had always gotten along with the woman before and it made sense that their friendship would pick up again now that she was back. She hoped that the other wolf might visit her in whatever pack that she chose, even if it wasn't Crimson Dreams, to keep updated with her. Maybe Pilot would come back after a while. She didn't know exactly why he had left, only that he was a member of the Aniwaya tribe where her sibling led now. "No, no, it's not that you have nothing to say...just that I'm trying to make a good decision for me. It's good to know that I have friends and that they care about me. I care about them too. I just can't go back right now. Maybe someday, but this is something that is too hard for me to do right now."

The added stress of being pregnant, her hormones raging most of the time, didn't help things. She didn't want to go back and be on the bottom of the totem pole in a pack full of wolves who didn't trust her. Her actions wouldn't be decided by Savina, her past subordinate and friend. Maybe before all of this had happened she could have dealt with it, but not now. "I'm thinking about Phoenix Valley. My friend Geneva lives there, and it seems like a good place. My mother helped found the pack, and my brother lived there up until a short time ago. It's not that far away, really, if you ever decide that you want to visit. I'd love to have you visit. I don't know how often I can come to Crimson Dreams--I don't want to run into those two." She said. "And Urma, maybe he'll come back some day. But in the meantime you should try and think of other things--you should try to be happy, even without him"


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