crash and burn

Despite that these impulsive and thoughtless moments in the past had always spiraled into worse-off things, he couldn't stop himself from acting anyway. His mind dangled in a thick fog and though his senses were sharp, none of what he was getting was reaching his brain. But his arms were getting the message, his legs, his throat and voice even. He didn't know what was going on, but clearly, some other part of him did. Was it the monster? No, not tonight, but even that wasn't particularly reassuring to any degree. Blood. Ahren's. His own. Did he feel the claws touch his face? The hybrid stepped back instinctively and looked at the blonde a moment. Thoughts were being thought somewhere, somewhere, but he still didn't know what or where or why they were.

You're better than this, Laruku's voice said in a whisper, retaking the step forward. He didn't know what his eyes showed or didn't show. He didn't know why Ahren was trembling. Or did he? Or did Ahren even know? What's wrong? Another step, another two steps. He wanted to touch him. To make it better.


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