Are you like me?
I'm assuming this takes place after your thread with Haku, since it was started later. If not, let me know and I'll change it. [:

@#$%&Anselm had been cutting through a slight depression in the land when the enthusiastic bark caught his attention. Rerouteing immediately, he briskly ascended the small knoll and peered down at the young girl prancing merrily about the borders down below. Initially his tail swung in hopeful recognition; could it be Talitha had come home? But nay, something didn't add up. The markings on her face were different, the scent was off, and she was too young. His tail's movements quickly dampened until the appendage was still as he considered the situation further. Her scent was largely neutral and even now, he was tempted to think her one of his cousin's children. But no, that didn't make sense either. This girl was maybe half as old as Ezekiel and Talitha, and it wouldn't have made sense for Gabriel to go off impregnating somebody else shortly after his litter had been born. Anselm was the one who blew through partners like most blew through meals; Gabriel was more of a family man than that. Furthermore, her muzzle was broad (at least for a female's) and her ears too proportionate; she didn't seem to be part coyote.

@#$%&Whoever she was, he didn't know what to make of her. As usual in these situations, he assumed the worst (how else could he be prepared for anything?). Advancing silently down the hill, his body language alone spoke volumes. His tail had raised, his gaze was directed straight at hers, and the long fur of his mane stood on end. As he drew nearer, details emerged from the blur of the big picture. Though he could have easily overlooked the faint scent of Dahlia that scarcely clung to her coat, he could never forget Haku's wretched stench that hung in the air around her like some kind of awful perfume. What game is this now? he wondered, eyes narrowing as his mind raced with a dozen fictional schemes Haku could have concocted. His paranoia lead him to jump to funny conclusions, sometimes; maybe that blue-eyed bastard had sent the lone male who desecrated their borders and now he was sending an unassuming spy!

@#$%&"State your name and business," he demanded simply, deep voice sounding loud and clear to make it obvious he was in no mood for nonsense. She was young, but she was old enough to know better--or so he hoped, anyway.

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