Reflections of What May Be
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i are faillll slow, but i should be getting faster as i'm trying to cut down my thread number! i am totally down with having another thread with the puppies once we finish this one! Big Grin. 500 words

Her.. father? Tokyo had learned the night after Corvus chewed her shoulder up that Cwmfen was his daughter, but the pied wolf wasn't the image that her mind jumped to. Instead, she was picturing her own father. Well, not the unknown male that had raped Ophelia, Malachi had been killed before Tokyo even came into the world. No, his murderer, actually - Tsunami. Uncle by blood, but father by tenderness and care. He had taught her from such a young, innocent age.. It would be so weird and even gross-er than normal sex to like, do it with him. Ugh. The thought was worth shuddering at, but she didn't, she was very good at separating her internal and external responses. It wasn't like Cwmfen probably had any choice in the matter. In Tokyo's worldly experience, sex wasn't anything that a female chose to engage in. Her father probably overpowered her, disgusting brute that he was. Poor her, though! Having to have that experience and then to bear puppies, ugh. "I'm sorry." Tokyo said, "That sounds pretty gross."

She grinned at the compliment, very graciously nodding her head and murmuring thanks. Oh, she loved when people said nice things like that! That was mostly why she collected pretty clothes, and actually pretty things in general. Like, the fact that they were nice to look at was cool and all, but what really mattered was attention. And yeah, she could get that on her own, but there weren't too many people who were willing to praise Tokyo constantly, gorgeous silky fur or not. But clothing was something new and fresh and changeable and even an old acquaintance like Cwmfen would notice it and find it worthy of commenting. How Tokyo adored small talk, particularly when it revolved around her. This dress was definitely one of the prettiest she had uncovered on her adventure with Princess, and she really liked wearing it.

The water, strange or not, was sort of soothing against her skin, without the tide tugging her this way and that. A question was spoken, but afterward Tokyo let the silence drift back in. It was a question she had to consider. This was going to be a very difficult time in her friend Cwmfen's life, and it was something that Tokyo had already gone through. She possessed much wisdom that the woad-marked female would of course appreciate. Tokyo had given birth to five puppies. Only two had ever opened their eyes. "You can tell, then. What they're going to be like." She said finally. Princess had been Princess from the start, her fur pattern a mirror image of her grandmother's. Buttface, though, hadn't officially earned his name until he'd gazed out at her with his father's hateful, glowing golden eyes. "You gotta be careful though. Much as you'd like them to, they don't always turn out like the good parent." The vague comment was as close as Tokyo had ever gotten to actually discussing Buttface with anyone outside of her own daughter.

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