nothing endures but change
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Yesum! Or maybe a new one from here and everyone can be like "horray you had puppies lady we never have met!"

     The isolation and silence that Aurèle kept was not because she was reserved; it was mostly because she had a habit of saying too much and alienating people from herself. This was a fault of character. She had forgotten how to relate to people after three years on her own. Even her own sister, flesh and blood, was unable to really break through completely. A large part of this was Aurèle’s own doing. She loved Tayui, but she would never be able to forget all that had happened.

     Perhaps, in some small way, she still blamed them. Dawali’s voice broke her concentration, and startled, her eyes widened slightly. As bright as they were, the surprise was apparent in them. “His name? I don’t even know why he’s still following me,” she nearly snapped, unable to mask the slight sound of annoyance at the question.


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