sing happy things
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He promptly took the spot that Jazper had motioned for him to take, sitting straight up and peering with wide eyes at the giant male. He watched as the strange object was laid across his lap, eyeing it with curiosity as its purpose was explained. The first twang of the guitar made him jump a little, not so much out of shock but rather out of pleasure. It was such a funny noise! As each was played in series the boy started to get more and more excited, and he felt almost like his head would pop off when Jazper played the little song. In the brief gap between the song and the chords, Gotham's tail regained the ability to wag, and it did so with a fervour. A wide grin was pulled across his face, and he looked up to the male's face again briefly. The chords sounded even more wonderful, their well-rounded sound making Gotham feel as if there was a whole world of music swelling up around him. Eyes watching the nimble fingers moving up and down the frets, the boy felt a surge of desire to make the same noises! But he didn't yet have fingers, and he yearned so desperately to be older.

Gotham continued to watch intently as the other sang a song, and an idea occurred to him: he could at least make noises like that! The words were strange, though, and kind of made Gotham a little nervous. Brows furrowed, he looked up to Jazper and said, "Yeah but I has another. Why do ya wanna die in my arms? And can I do that singin' thing too?" His tail flopped on the ground a couple times. He felt as if he was missing something, but he was still eager to try it because, despite being a little strange to him at this point, it made quite a pleasant feeling rise in his chest.


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