Are you like me?

@#$%&Anselm watched, initially amused by her clueless display. She looked this way and that--every which way but directly at him. Snorting softly to himself, he remained standing and his gaze roved over her several more times for verification purposes: it seemed like most of his initial impressions were correct. She flashed a convincing smile and offered a quick explanation, then asked what he found to be a ridiculous question. Wet behind the ears, was she? Her behaviour was exceedingly childish, even for a girl her age, and this rubbed him the wrong way. Obviously anyone who was lingering in Inferni's backyard without a purpose or contact within the clan was doing something wrong, and she had failed to comprehend he was the one asking questions here, not her.

@#$%&The red-eyed male still was uncertain about the girl and he kept a safe distance. "This clan is affiliated with coyotes," he said flatly after a pause. They had very little dog in them--it was more or less freak chance that Gabriel and his children resembled German Shepherds at all. Gabriel's father was pure wolf and Kaena was predominantly coyote. Somehow those genes had persisted and surfaced in those far removed generations, but for the most part, the nameless girl was just in the wrong spot. Eight of their fourteen had no dog at all; of the other six, the traits only really showed in a couple. "If you're looking for dogs you need to head in the exact opposite direction," he continued, hoping she'd make this easy for both of them and just... shoo.

@#$%&"Cour des Miracles. They're in the south and lead by a dog with several other hybrids like yourself in the ranks." Well, he only knew of one--Ruri--but he didn't mind embellishing a bit if it meant she would go away sooner.

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