Can't keep my hands to myself.
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308 words.

The drama behind Conor and Emwe and their parents was unknown to Princess, but she was not as happy for them as one might expect from a puppy. So they got parents, and a godfather? Well, weren't they lucky; she barely even had one parent, let alone two and someone else that cared about her. She didn't even have her own brother anymore! Jealousy flared behind her eyes as she considered what she was supposed to tell this man, since she did not know either puppy, or their parents. All she knew of Conor and Emwe was what she had heard from others in the pack, and that was namely that there were puppies in the pack named Conor and Emwe, along with the other puppies that Alexey had mentioned.

What other information she knew about Conor, Princess had learned from Catalyst, and the knowledge was not good information. In fact, according to her little puppy friend, Conor was down right mean and awful. "I don't know them. All I know is that Conor was really mean to my friend Cat. and if you're so close to them, how come you're sneaking around?" Princess was not normally perceptive, but she was very stubborn. The fact that he claimed to be close to them but was sneaking into the pack lands (in her untrained eyes) was very, very strange, and the intrusion was most certainly not welcomed by the young girl. Of course, she held no authority in the pack, but since she had already told him he was not allowed to enter. . . She was not about to go back on her word and let him into the pack lands. Stupid male who wouldn't take no for an answer! It was very obvious that she meant business, and she really didn't care if he liked her now or not.


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