crash and burn

indent The loss of innocence occurred in this place, as it had many times before. As a child, he had heard and seen his father fight a female and take him away. He had fucked Kaena here. He had found his mother’s bones and danced on her cross. Now he was bleeding out and trembling, unable to move even as he watched that familiar stranger come towards him. It was warm then, and he heard words, but everything rushed together like a tide and something very fragile inside of him broke.
indent Ahren’s feet gave out under him as Laruku pulled him down and he began to cry, gasping for breath. He buried his face in the sickly sweet, smoky-scented fur of Laruku’s chest, sobbing uncontrollably. It had been so long that he couldn’t stop, he couldn’t remember anytime he had broken down like this (the military base, a long time ago, you remember you remember everything) and then it came in a great rush. With a strangled cough, he pulled himself back, choking still, and struck himself across the face. It was a hard blow, and left his head ringing. And he just sat there, face damp with tears, covered in his own blood, and staring at the floor dumbly


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