crash and burn

The laughter returned to the back of his head, cackling madly, though Laruku felt like it was delayed. She’s never coming back. The words struck him deeper than he would have hoped, but he also knew there was no point in denying them anymore. He knew exactly how it felt to be left behind, to be faced with the back of someone who would never come back and a memory that would never be the same again. He knew, and yet, he felt like it wasn't enough, like he really didn't know, like he really hadn't gone through the same pain because certainly Ahren was the worse one off here and his memories of mental, emotional, and psychological torture were just selfish and closed. How clearly could he remember any of them anyway.

He saw the arm and understood. They were the same in different ways. He tied the bandage and fought the urge to embrace the other again because it confused him and scared him and terrified him (there's no one left to be betray, no one left to betray, no one, no one, no one, no one; he hates you and tried to kill you) and a thousand other things he couldn't think right now because he was too busy thinking other things that were out of his reach. He couldn't remember. Forget it, said Laruku's voice, the hypocrite. Get sober. Find something else to live for. Yourself. Live for yourself. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Liar. Scum of the earth! LIAR. LIAR. LIAR. I know you can do it if you wanted. He's always been better than you. Everyone has.


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