crash and burn

indent They were so alike, left behind in this small country. Ahren had seen the world and seen it offered him nothing. There really was nothing out there for him. He was born here and he would die here. He wasn’t destined for anything greater. He breathed in the cold air, air that smelt like blood and tasted like disease, thinking of nothing of all. Something empty and dark had taken over, as if he had stepped outside of himself and into a cave. Guided meditation to the cold parts of the world, where there was no escape unless you went down. Slide.
indent He looked up and saw that scarred face, wondered just how old they both looked, how old they felt, and how young they really were.
“I’m sorry,” he offered, though it sounded fake on his tongue. This wasn’t your burden. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I don’t know what happened. Someone else was behind him, something else pushing, a darker and older force he had never known, even though his symbols were all over his body.
“I just don’t know what to do.” Admitting that made him feel weak, but he didn’t care anymore. He had people to live for, but they didn’t need him. No one needed a vagabond who had once carried a kingdom and let it fall apart at his feet.


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