can you see a shadow on me
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Sorry it took so long! >< And it's a short one, sorry again! Wc: 300+

She had spent most of yesterday down at the beach with Jazper, but she still could not resist the pulling of the tide. She had made a promise to herself earlier on when she joined Crimson Dreams that she would take full advantage of having a beach in her backyard, which included swimming, something she hadn't done yet. And since the weather was taking a turn for the colder, Ghita figured that sooner was better than later. Dainty paws travelled over grass and sand alike, following the sound of the ocean until she could smell the salt explode on her tongue.

She had expected an empty beach, devoid of other Luperci from her pack. After all, it was early in the day; So early in fact that the sun was just beginning to rise over the watery horizon, mirror orbs illuminating the nature it watched over. A silhouette blocked vermillion rays from reaching her pelt, the long ebony shadow reaching up to her small chest. The figure looked larger than she was, so she approached cautiously, almost silent with her ears bent against her cranium. What little wind there was was sending his scent towards her, and once it swirled around in her nostrils a few times, she straightened up and padded forward, the need for secrecy evaporated.

"Ehno - hi! Early." She was only a dozen pawsteps away, coming at her brother from a south-east angle in relation to him. Finally reaching her side, that was exactly where she stayed - Ghita wasn't an overly affectionate Luperci. The wind blew her silver-tipped fur back behind her; the new sun dancing off of her many piercings, staining them a light pink color mixed with tangerine. She sensed something was up with her brother, but wasn't one to pry about personal issues. If Ehno had something to tell her, he would. And she hoped Ehno knew that however many times she had run out on them, she was here now, for anything he'd need.


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