Absense makes the heart grow fonder


Ruri was far too engrossed in her singing to notice the scent carried on the breeze, or the sound of a little horse trotting up behind her. However, once Rue had grabbed ahold of her hair Ruri was quickly tugged back into reality as her head was jerked backward by the tugging of small lips on her long hair. "Ow! Stop that!" she cried in pain, reaching her hand behind her head and quickly pulling her hair from the lips of her hoofed assailant. It was then that she was greeted by the familiar sound of Jac's voice. The collie girl immediately perked up excitedly and gave a happy smile in the direction of her friends voice, only to cry out again as the same lips attempted to snatch her long locks from her grasp. "Jac, I'm really glad that your back, but could you please get this thing away from me, whatever it is? It keeps trying to eat my hair," she requested, huddled on the rock with her long, silky mane hung in from of her shoulder and clutched tightly in her delicate hands. She liked her hair, and didn't want someone eating it, especially when she had no clue what that someone was. The startled border collie could hear the persistant stamping of hooves in the ground beside the rock, and the high pitched sounds of protest coming from the creature. It sounded like a horse. Jac didn't have a horse, did he? If she remembered right, they had eaten horse meat on extremely rare occasions. Surely Jac wouldn't keep a prey animal as a pet would he? The border collies thoughts quickly answered her own question. Of course he would if it suited him at the time. Anything was possible for Jac. The petite optime shook her head slightly as she wondered what Jac had gotten himself into, just before giggling at the same thought. Now all she had to do was wait for Jac to restrain the evidently small creature so that Ruri could get off the rock and greet him properly.


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