I know he'll say that he's in love
I made your image for your Nani pretty and it turned out great! I will post it tonight or tomorrow, whenever I get home to my laptop!

She was relieved to hear that Naniko would accept her invitation. Even if Naniko only decided to stay with her wihile the pups were young, it did Geneva good to hear it. Although she was certain that Naniko would be able to defend and provide for herself under normal circumstances, she was still painfully aware of how hard life could be for a lone pregnant wolf. She had been in that exact same situation less than a year ago.

When Nani asked about Jefferson, she felt herself become a little shy. She turned her face away for a moment and smiled shyly before she spoke. "He's hard to read sometimes. It is obvious that his life has been difficult. But he takes his responsbility so seriously, and he's very dependable. If he told me to follow him through hell, I would do so without blinking an eye." Even when Geneva had not been sure of her heart concerning Jefferson, she had still trusted him that much. "That is the same way I felt about you," Geneva added, thinking of how secure Naniko had made her feel when she had been part of Crimson Dreams.

"When I told him I loved him, I could see how conflicted he was," Geneva said, recalling that handful of breaths when she had laid everything on the line with him and had been so nervous. "He believed he wasn't worthy of love, but he is. And he told me he feels the same." She did not know if she sounded foolsih, but that was the best way she could think to describethe Patriarch's reaction.

Geneva breathed in for a moment, and the smile faded from her face. If Naniko decided to make Phoenix Valley her home, there were things that she needed to tell her. She could not continue with a clear mind or heart until she told Naniko. "I need to tell you why I left Crimson Dreams," she said before she continued. She had never spoken of this to anyone else before. "When I came to you in November, I was heart-broken. I had lost everything...and then I met Anu, and it was like I had suddenly been brought back to life." Geneva breathed in. "I fell in love with her so quickly, that I did not fully understand what that meant until it was almost too late. Please know that I never acted on these emotions, and that I never would have betrayed you. Either of you." She swallowed. "But I had to leave before I destroyed everything, your mateship, your family. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted you to be happy, both of you. I thought that leaving would have been the best thing - for me, for Anu, for your family. Know that my loyalty was always to the pack, to you, and Anu. I just wanted things to work out."

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