For a Small Moment In Time
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Yay~ rambling again >n<
Also, I made a picture in my profile of her den and stuff... in case that’s helpful, heheh

Just as yesterday, the black wolf coaxed each, comforting them with gentle nuzzles. Slowly, and yet with more certainty than they had shown the prior day, the pups, abreast each other, found their way up the tunnel and back into the light. But the black fae moved first. The tunnel had been dug large enough to accommodate a luperci’s girth, and so the wolf kept her pups beneath her. She knew of the possible dangers that could linger with out, and it would not take a great predator to snatch the life of the young and helpless. As a predator, the she-wolf knew this well. The woad bound female emerged, breathing in the warm air of the day. Already, although it was early, the sun shone brightly threw the trees, and it was as if she could see the souls of all living creatures singing in her gaze. It was generous of the world to give sun to the pups’ first days in the outer world. The white orbs scanned the surroundings swiftly but thoroughly, and the woad-bound ears listened carefully to each sound. Her nose tasted the air but scented nothing. For a moment longer, with the pups now having reached the mouth of the den, the black fae lingered there. And then, satisfied, the black fae stepped upon the soft, lush foliage, and her body remembered once more the grace of the Wild.

Cwmfen did not help the pups down from the short drop but silently encouraged them to explore. Honor and Chastity both watched her, hesitating upon the lip of the cave as if needing to follow. The pied pup gave a loud back as the girl leaned up against him, but Cwmfen was silent, those white eyes smiling their encouragement. It was Chastity that decided first to step down. But, having underestimated the distance, she simply fell, bumping her soft, black nose upon the earth. A sharp cry cut through the air, and Cwmfen, as Honor made his way down with more success, sought to comfort the young pup with a soft nuzzle and a lick upon the injured nose. The woad warrior was still unfamiliar with the caring of others, for she was no caretaker. Yet, in silence and with diligence, she did the best that she could. It seemed, however, as with all tiers of life, the arts and songs of war leant their strength and guidance. But it seemed as if the simple contact had been enough, for the four eyes of black and white smiled up at her, Chastity with that strange purity and Honor with his strange intensity. And Cwmfen, a quiet, golden smile dancing upon her lips as it had not done in a long time, turned to lead them to the nest.

Their movements were still retained their awkward stutters, although it would be difficult to say whether they would obtain the ethereal grace of their mother, or even the rougher grace of their father. The movements of the twins were made as if they were still unfamiliar with their bodies. And yet, despite such a thing, the pups already, with a speed that the black fae knew to be great, had grown bold and curious and moved with their innocent purpose. It was not until they had moved into the nest that the woad bound ears swiveled back. The sound of approach could be heard. The woad-marked she-wolf turned fluidly with the celerity of one who practices the belligerent arts, and the white orbs found the intruder immediately. The wild ferocity was intense within those white orbs that shone brightly in the filtered light of the woods, but the hostility was soon lessened as she realized who it was.

"Anu." The alto melody called the name in recognition. The invisible snarl that had been ready upon her quiet lips faded and was replaced with a tranquil smile and the instinctual posture relaxed. The woad tipped tail waved once in greeting. "What are you doing here?" There was no threat within those words but a mild curiosity. Indeed, it was not often that one could cross the Dahlian boarders without consequence, but the black fae knew that Anu was a welcomed wolf. For once, duty was not upon the warrior’s mind. Instead, she was merely not expecting the presence of the Crimson Dreamer, and so she wondered. The white orbs went to the woman’s hands, the familiar smell of those flowers carried to her upon the wind.


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