A Place in Displacement

i'm glad because i'm enjoying it too ^^

How could she not see him? He stood before them this very day, and everyone before and after. He sat upon his throne, and behind a veil of clouds that were his to command. As a child she had thought him angry on days such a this, dreary and with only a hazy glow to shine over them. But it was not that he was spiteful nor threatening. The clouds gave way to rain, and thus a source for them to drink. They should all be grateful for the bounty that came form the sky, and the orb that smiled down on them and brought them a guiding light.

The male's question, brought way to a silence and Anu looked away. The thought of it, to be spoken to by any of the gods was a fantastical idea. His words would deafen her, his voice break her before the idea could be caught by her mind. And yet she wished to be chosen to hear it. "Only through his children." She spoke, her voice hushed as she thought. The earth did speak to her, at times when others ignored the soft calls. She could hear it now, in the trees they passed and the grasses that lines the path. No voice for ears to hear, and they were the ones the sun spoke to. "The silent ones, neglected by those that rise above their meek existence, they can hear him."

Blue eyes the color of the sun's throne looked to him in question, "Does yours have a voice?"


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