You'll forget about me after I am gone

Pilot’s stone colored eyes locked on to the form of Moon, whom until now, Pilot hadn’t seen much of lately. With eyes wide in shock from the temperature and situation, the male tried to propel he and Phoenix closer to the bank. Still keeping a firm grip on Phoenix’s arm with his teeth, Pilot only hoped that he could send a message to Moon with his eyes – Grab him! As the alpha’s son grew nearer to the duo, Pilot’s heart pumped with more adrenaline. If only he could get Phoenix out, then maybe Pilot would be able to crawl out on his own.

Swimming as close as he could to the bank, Pilot tried nudging the massive limp form of his friend closer to the Graduierter. They would have to rush Phoenix back to the dens – they were both in danger from hypothermia if they stayed in that river too much longer. Not to mention, he wasn't sure how bad the pup, Selene, was injured either.


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