looking for a chance to stray

OOC: ::Word Count:: 300+

Urma wagged her tail in response to Gotham's readiness to jump into another activity. It was reassuring to know that she wasn't boring the little pup out of his mind with her rather unentertaining ideas. Although she loved spending time with small wolves and keeping them busy, she was never sure of the best way to do all that. She was never sure if she had the right ideas at the right time, so it always felt like a challenge to her to keep the smile on their faces. Which was exactly what she was experiencing now with Gotham-- her fear of taking a wrong step and losing the momentum they had gathered. As long as the small wolf was enjoying himself and wasn't feeling tired, she knew there was nothing else to worry about and she could continue the same way she had started. She trusted herself enough to catch on to when the delighted sparkle would fade from her mischievous companion's eyes, but so far that hadn't been the case at all.

Urma smiled and turned towards a grey rock she decided should be 'home base'. It was large enough to be easily spotted amidst the tall grass, and within Gotham's reach. She lay down on her stomach in front of the rock and buried her head between her paws before starting to count. She counted up to 20 slowly, then got up to her feet and scanned the area. Her plan was to spot Gotham or catch his scent in such a way that she could turn in a different direction completely, leaving him time to run towards 'home base'. She'd do this maybe once or twice, before finally finding him, but would then allow herself to be found very easily. All of a sudden the pup's tail caught the corner of her eye, and she smiled before trotting off in the opposite direction. She pretended to sniff the grass and turn around every so often, so as not to make the small wolf suspect anything. Once she was far enough to allow Gotham time to make it safely to the chosen spot, she began looking around trees and exclaiming surprised remarks about how she had been sure she had seen him, making sure it was loud enough for the wolf to hear.


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