Strawberry Fields
I watched Across The Universe so many times this weekend - I love that song! Oh, and it is her birthday, isn't it?


He had planned a nice evening for Dierdre. After all, today was special in more than just one way. It was her birthday today as well as Valentine’s day, and Pilot wanted to make it extra special since it was the first time they would be celebrating either of the two together. He had taught himself a song from the music book Dierdre had given him, though his violinist skills still weren’t top notch. Either way, he hoped that she might find the song special, since Pilot had painstakingly read the lyrics and discovered it was all about love.

He had found Poinsettias and had made a bouquet for her by wrapping the stems together with twine. They weren’t the prettiest plants, but he figured she might like the addition of color to their den either way. Besides, he figured it would make things a little more special, even if they weren’t as attractive as roses.

He had laid out the skins after taking them outside to beat them clean. Arranging them on the ground, he set out the bouquet for her, as well as took out his violin. He set the case next to the skins and pulled the sheet music into his lap. Going over the notes in his head, he whispered the tune to himself and practiced mentally. He only hoped that Dierdre might return soon – the dinner he made for them was sure to go cold if she didn’t get back in time.

Sitting down on the skins, he waited patiently, fingers entwined with the anticipation of what the night would become.


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