it's like forgetting the words
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        The creamy tail wagged cheerfully as the blue and green eyes watched the funny little cat-pill. She thought that it was very cute, and she thought that it was even cuter that Cambi had chosen the name Leafy because he lived on a leaf! Giggling softly with her amusement, Amata turned back to her sister, smiling brightly as Cambi considered each of the jars. The white pup’s little ears pricked up, her face adopting an almost inquisitive look as the jar was chosen. "Yous has chooses wise-ful!" Her voice was mysterious as she spoke, using the words from one of the books that had been read to her in which a cup had been chosen. You have chosen wisely, was what a night had said, and Amata said it now too. This jar was far more important than a funny cup, the little girl thought. "Waits heres!" she said, stepping forward. "I’s gets it for yous, Cambi!" And Cambi could stay with Leafy the cool cat-pill.

        Slowly and carefully, the little girl entered the dark cabinet, doing her best to maneuver about each of the jars. And she didn’t mind that the jar that her sister had chosen was in the farthest corner—Amata would do anything for Cambi. As the pup made her way through, the glass jars clinked noisily against each other, a sound that Amata found to be very pretty. "Wows," she exclaimed when she had finally reached the jar in question. "This iss reallys far backs!" Looking back at her sister, the creamy pup decided that the other jars had to be moved out of the way. So, carefully, she nosed the jars aside to make room for the jar that would soon be Leafy’s house—and she would need the room so that she would be able to roll it out. Luckily, the jars were moved without incident, and Amata was able to tip Leafy’s jar over, carefully rolling it down the little path that she had made. It was when she was turning about, however, that her tail bumped a glass container, causing it to fall and shatter. Amata lifted her head in surprise, but she just looked at the place, not registering that she was making a mess. "Oopsies...." And then, she turned, continuing on her way without stepping on any shards of glass. It was the strange luck of children.

        Once the jar had made it safely to the edge of the cabinet, Amata stepped over it, placing her tummy on the cold glass so that she was hugging the jar before rolling out of the cabinet and onto the floor with a soft thud. With minimal struggle, the jar was standing upon the floor, and the creamy hued girl smiled. "Theres, I gotted the jar! Now yous can have Leafy a home!" Then Amata shook herself as if dust had gotten on her fur, and she sneezed before righting herself. Hopefully Leafy would like his home too.


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