Calling on Blue Skies
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OOC: Hehe, yay fishin!! Smile

He watched as Anu hurried into the boat and almost laughed as she stared up at him asking what she should do. "Well first off," he chuckled as he climbed into the steel boat, the water moving it from underneath, "We have to get away from shore." Sitting his over-sized self down across from Anu he moved the fishing rods and bucket behind him, leaving the white plastic container and a couple nets between them. Grabbing the paddles from the flooring he placed them on the half moon holders sticking out from each side of the boat and began to row. The feel of resistance that came with ever pull towards his chest felt good. A new form exercise purhaps. The lake however, was not that big when each stroke moved you speeding toward the other side. Maybe he would show Ghita the boat? Take it down to the ocean and take a boat ride.

Bringing his attention back to Anu and the lake he had easily travelled to the center by the time he finished thinking about the Marino girl. Smiling he Picked up a long net, "This is a method of catching fish over time. You put the net into the water, the net being held up by these floating devices, and you come back the next day when fish are caught in it." He lowered the net into the water as he explained, struggling slightly to move the boat forward in order to spread the net across a few meters of the water before continuing to paddle away. Slowly, he stopped rowing and let the boat drift along.

", why don't I show you and explain then you can give it a try?" Before waiting for an answer he picked up a fishing rod, found the hook on the end and started digging for a worm. "You take the worm and stick it onto the hook." After he completed that step he held onto the handle of the rod and pulled a small trigger, "You have to hold this until," as he brought the rod behind him and flung it forward he exclaimed, "you release it as you swing the rod forward. Then you just wait till the red and white floating thing starts moving up and down. Then you use this," turning a the reel on the side, "to bring the fish in." Holding onto his rod tightly he passed he wolfess the spare, "Go ahead and give it a try." He encouraged with a big smile.


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