Angels and Demons

ooc. i fail

Walking Faler's tanned body moved slowly came to a stop. Breathing her bi-colored eyes narrowed as the scents came to her, the city was a place she had not looked around and this smell made her on edge as it was. Ears flickered back as her sandy body went back into its pace, paw moving as Faler's ears flickered about on her head. What ever the hell is in the buildings is making her cautious, the things she has alreadly seen her were strange enough.

Brows pushed together as the two figures came into view, Faler's contrasting eyes meeting their matching ones of the two twolegged wolves. Faler didn't walk right up to them, no she wasn't stupid but she stopped a yard or so off from them. Looking at the two they smelled strange and the look they had made her hair raise and her tail twitch, the greeting she was giving didn't mean nothing to her not when they eyed her so."Who the hell are you calling darling." Faler's voice was rough and almost a growl as her ears flickered back, maybe they were making her on edge but her body told her to run and her mind was interested. Either way she stared back as whatever was between them in the air was thick, Faler just couldn't put her paw on it.


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