all the world is mad

Ehno was finally beginning to feel more peaceful than he had in days. His romp through the old military base with his nephew back home the previous day had done well to distract him. The simple game of exploration was enough to pull his attention away from his problems, giving him some much needed peace. Simple distractions seemed to be the key to keeping himself calm. Sitting out in the quiet forest with his little carving project was doing well to shush his distressing thoughts. He knew he would have to face his problems eventually, but for now he was content to ignore them. Was it wrong to desire a little calm before the storm? He would relish in every calm moment he could get before he was forced to awaken the sleeping tempest.

Subtle scratching noises rose to the air as Ehno continued his work on the small wooden figure. He moved the carving blade fluidly over the block of wood, knocking a small chunk of excess wood off with a simple flick of his wrist. The Italian man had taken Rath’s advice and tried to make each tool in his collection feel like an extension of his hand through much practice. He was beginning to feel comfortable with many of his tools, but this small blade was the only one he felt to be on that level with. These simple carving projects were quick and fun, making them great for practice. The figure was beginning to take on more details, beginning to finally look like the grumpy old wolf Ehno had met early on his journey in Europe. The Lieutenant paused in his work, turning the figure around in his hands.

The quiet that came with the pause in his work did not last too long, a soft shuffling noise drifting along the lakeside. The Marino lifted his gaze from his project, spotting an earthen-hued Luperci beside the calm waters. He studied her for a moment as she shuffled nervously on the lake’s shore. She seemed to be shy, or perhaps worried about something. Ehno let a friendly smile work its way onto his maw as his hands brought the half-finished figure and his carving blade to come to rest on his lap. “Hey there,” he called, the usual friendly tone in his voice. “This is a nice place, isn’t it?” The lake wasn’t as grand as the one back home, but the way the dense forest seemed to curl around it gave the area a charming quality. It was his attempt to stir up a conversation, if she was interested. If not, he would go back to his little project and leave her be.

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