can you see a shadow on me
400+ Don't be sorry! I took even longer. Tongue

Ehno watched the fiery orb slip slowly over the line of the horizon quietly, eyes squinting at the bright light. It was a beautiful sight, he could admit that, but it did nothing to make him like these early hours any more. Everything right now held a sleepy energy, making the life all around him seem subdued, despite the bright morning sunshine. Give things a few more hours, and all of the creatures would feel more awake. That was the time of day Ehno liked best, when the world shook of its veil of sleep from the night before and went about with a renewed sort of energy. The wolves and birds and various prey animals seemed to be at their peak at that time of day. Speaking of prey, Ehno hadn’t gone hunting in some time. His mindless wandering had made him forget just how hungry he was. Maybe he would go for a little hunt later in the day. It would clear his mind, and dealing with the conversations he had in store in the future would be a much easier task with a full belly.

The Marino didn’t realize that he was no longer alone until someone approached him closely. Amber gaze drifted from the rising sun to the approaching figure as she spoke, recognizing the multi-hued coat and various piercings of his sister Ghita. He found himself smiling as she came to sit alongside him. He was glad that his nomadic sibling had come to join the pack once more. He had been so worried when she had disappeared without a word, but she was back now to spend time with her family, that was all that mattered. That thought reminded him of his newly developed situation. Ehno would need to tell her about his pups too. He wondered what her reaction would be, a small bit of worry creeping into his belly and making it do flips. He wouldn’t bring it up right away. The Italian man needed to calm down first; letting that silly worry of his get in the way wasn’t going to help. Ehno sat up and flashed a smile at his sibling. “Si, very early,” he commented. "La sono come, Ghita? Non guardare il sorgere del sole con me?" He knew his sibling was trying to learn the native language around here, but he couldn’t help but slip into their own native tongue while speaking with her, though he knew speaking in English more often would be better to help her learn.

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