the space between us all


The male was surprised by the voice that drifted towards him, and he almost did fall in. He turned his head towards the girl and watched her for just a moment. Her voice seemed disconnected from the figure that stood there now, as if time had cleaved noise from form, and now the words were drowned in the distant rush of the waves. It could have been that she hadn't spoken at all. Hemming was a man of reason, though, and his attraction to whimsy did not deteriorate his devotion to evidence. A faint smile played on his lips as he let words escape them. "They're not fish, though. Come see." He pushed himself further back onto his feet, the tops of them pressed against the sand, and beckoned the other over with his freed hand. There was an awe in his voice, a calmness that contrasted with the other's candor.


Her statements, beside making him call her over, made the wolf wish he could swim. Truly, Hemming wouldn't mind swimming with the fishes, their world just as populated with strange creatures as the one above sea level. It was a skill that he had never had, and now, he envied those that could, envied the creatures that could take to the water like fish and then come above land to walk about. It wasn't a jealous envy, though, if such a feeling could possibly exist, but a reverence, a respect for such an animal. In the truest sense, it was a desire to be just like it, or even just understand the way it lived. What was it like to cross the bridge between two worlds, or live in them both just as a wolf lived in one? And then there were the creatures that took to the air just as the wolf took to the plains, to the forests. What a marvellous diversity there was, a splendid fortune that the Earth had been generous to lend some room to.


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