the space between us all


Perhaps his response hadn't addressed what this female had meant, but Hemming meant what he had said anyway. He shrugged her comment off, watching for a moment as she came closer before turning his gaze back to the things scurrying beneath the water. His tail fell behind him and he would likely spend the next week getting all the sand out of it, but he paid it no attention. The little creatures in the water were enough to bring his mind away from most anything else, but the presence of another wolf would always steal just a little bit of that away. As the younger wolf moved just a little bit closer, the male continued to smile, his amber eyes moving fairly rapidly to keep on the trail of the quick beasts.


She voiced her uncertainty, and Hemming, not moving his eyes from the water, said, "Here, look just a little closer. Those shells, running all over the place, have little crabs inside of them." He glanced to the girl, who seemed rather suspicious of him (perhaps in good measure; he was just a random man out on the shore, after all, and she was a young girl), and put his hand back in the water to lean on as he peered more intently. Readjusting himself a little, he took the weight off one arm and eyed a particularly slow hermit crab. After a moment of watching it, feeling a strange fondness for the thing, he plucked it gently out of the water. At first it drew back into its shell, undoubtedly and deservedly startled, but as Hemming laid his palm flat it started to peek back out. Smiling warmly, the male glanced back up to the stranger. "See? Funny, aren't they?" His eyes fell back to the crab, and he observed more intimately its tiny legs and exoskeleton.


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