the space between us all


Hemming felt a little relief as the other sat down beside him, only because the suspicion he sensed on her was making him feel a little nervous. Smiling at her interest, he turned his gaze back to her. Come to think of it, he didn't really know what a crab was, besides some very basic characteristics. He bit his lower lip for a moment, trying to think of what explanation he could give, before giving away the very basic knowledge that he had. "They live in the water, yeah. They have a shell kind of thing that protects their insides, and... five pairs of legs, I think, and then these antenna-type things." The male looked back to the little guy in his hand. It didn't seem to be too active, and maintained its slow demeanour even after it had been removed from the water. For a split second he panicked about its ability to breathe above water before recalling how many little hermit crabs he had seen wandering around on the sand. "I think they can breathe up here, as long as they keep their gills moist." His memory had choked up another fact that he had forgotten he knew, filed deep in his mind from the days he had spent reading books. A little surprised to have it sprout up so suddenly, he let his smile widen for just a second.


Her interest was evident when she spoke about sharks, and his eyes lit up as she brought up the creatures. The things she said about sharks seemed kind of weird, though. He was sure that wasn't true, but perhaps he was getting his facts mixed up with some other animals. Not wanting to discredit a correct idea because of momentary confusion, he looked to the girl with his eyebrows raised slightly, impressed. "Really?" he asked, "I always thought they were really fish-like, I wouldn't have guessed they could run!" Hemming laughed a little at the idea, picturing thousands of little sharks stampeding the beach to get a sip of the salt water.


In the few moments that had passed he had almost forgotten about the shelled creature in his hand, and it had wandered awfully close to a precarious edge. Hemming worked quickly to snatch it up with the other hand, and the poor little crab sucked himself back into his portable habitat. Looking back to the younger wolf, feeling as if she was sufficiently interested in the little creatures, Hemming held it towards above her lap and asked, "Here, wanna hold him?"


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