the space between us all


Mermaids? Hemming was quite certain that such things were completely fictional. He furrowed his eyebrows a little, and tried to think. It was easy to imagine the strange creatures, their shiny tails and their long flowing red hair, but he couldn't quite remember anything else about them. Just thinking about what they looked like made him sure that they couldn't exist, though. Humans and fish were such distant relatives that some odd kind of hybrid of the two would be the oddest thing. He was pretty sure that the books he had read about them in were some sort of fantasy or folklore. Hemming didn't want to rain on the girl's parade, though, and managed to avoid the subject of the imaginary nature of the mermaids while still telling the truth. "I used to do a lot of fishing. Never caught a mermaid, though," he said thoughtfully.


She didn't seem to notice the slow trip the hermit crab had taken into her little zone of space, and the sudden appearance of the alien creature clearly startled her. Hemming gasped and froze in his spot when his hand was contacted by one of her flailing arms, and with his golden eyes followed the arching path of the beast right onto the top of the girl's head. Though everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, the male was too stunned to react quickly enough to catch the beast before it made a soft landing into her hair. In an instant the girl was up on two legs and running straight into the water. Still a little shocked, Hemming took a moment before scrambling to his feet, chasing after her. If she would only stop and calm down for a minute, the little hermit crab could be carefully removed from her hair with very little trauma for both of the animals involved. "Wait!" he cried out as he ran clumsily through the soft sand, his arms waving in the air. "I could--" his offer of help was cut off by the image of the little crab flying through the air, again seeming to be in slow motion (and perhaps accompanied by music), and the wolf only stared at the creature's trajectory.


A couple moments after the hearty plop the crab made as it plunged through the water, Hemming turned his gaze from the place it had entered back to the female. "Hmm, uh," he stuttered, "Sorry about that?" He was still largely speechless, and his mouth hung open for a couple moments as he continued to stare.


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