the space between us all
Table by Alli.

Yeah, Addison's an odd one too.

She should have known better than to think that she would get out of this situation unscathed. She had hoped that it would just take a few looks into the pool, talk with him for a bit, then go on her meery way...but it hadn't turned out that way at all. She had been attacked by one of those crab things! Did all animals hate her?! She could understand the rats, with Halo having starved them to the point where they would attack anything and everything that came near them, but crabs too? Maybe on her way home she would be ambushed by a squirrel or something.

Still breathing heavily and partially soaked from her run into the ocean, she simply stood there in the water, watching him and letting the waves roll around her feet. When he apologized her disgruntled frown deepened; he didn't sound too sincere to her. She reached down into the water, pulling up a pawful of sand and lobbing it it his direction. "Take that!" She picked up more of it, starting to run out of the water toward him. "I'm a delicate lady! You shouldn't have let it attack me!"


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