the space between us all

Her rush to the water seemed to have taken a bit out of the girl, and for a moment Hemming just watched her recover. He was still a little shocked, and didn't think anything of it when the other reached into the sand and lifted up a handful. It seemed a rather odd thing to do, but its real purpose didn't dawn on Hemming until the bit of sand was flying towards him. With a squeak of surprise, he twisted his body to protect his face. Some of the sand, wet and fluid, hit his shoulder, and he continued to shield his face as he peered back at her. His brows were furrowed as he tried to make sense of her sudden outburst. The crab hadn't had a mean bone in its body, and absolutely no intention of harming the girl! It was the actions of the other wolf that had landed a little beast in her fur.

"But--" he started, flabbergasted, "It didn't attack you!" He had barely got the phrase out when the other started charging towards him. Eyes widening, he turned and started to run across the beach away from her, his big feet making big splashes. His arms flailed in the arm as he ran and he huffed out single syllables at a time. "Don't!" the splash of a footfall, "No!" another splash, "Stop!" He turned his head over his shoulder to look at the girl that was in hot pursuit, hoping that the sand she clutched would not end up in his eyes.

After a moment, he realized how truly silly this all was, and he considered stopping. By this point, though, adrenaline had started to pump through his veins and this game started to be rather... fun. With a laugh, he continued to run down the beach, peering backwards once and a while. Hopefully the girl's anger would wear off quickly.

james made this! ♥

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