``like a bird [she] /flies/ *away*
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... itaban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Would it ruin the sentimentality of her using English in the last post if I said it was just because I didn't want to dig up the code for Italian? XP Also allow me the humor that I thought of in the post. ^^ Wc: 700+

She noticed his surprise at her attempt at English - but why would he be surprised? Jazper couldn't understand Italian, and English was becoming more and more of a common language between them. His smile was flattering to her, and if Ghita was anyone else, she would've performed the wolvine equivalent to a human's blush. However, she was Ghita, the independent wild child that couldn't be tamed. She listened to him speak now and took a minute to translate, guessing, and hoping, that her translation was right. "You think? Grazie!"

It was quite a compliment to get from Jazper - a native of the language, and she was honored to receive it. She had been working hard with herself, and other members of the pack that she could snatch a piece of a conversation with. Most of the time it was listening in, getting a grasp of the vocabulary. If she had known that Jazper was using smaller words than usual, just for her, she would have felt quite lucky that he considered her like that - it was the small gestures that made Ghita smile late at night. Although the larger actions could hold more of a punch, as history had shown.

Her forehead creasing in concentration, she nodded slowly as she grasped what he was saying. Finally understanding, she gave a bark-like laugh to him, thrown causally. "Nomads and me, all same - to you, small!" Here she paused, trying to think of words to communicate what she thought. "You say protect, si? Nomads protect okay as is." A devious smile played across her ebony lips, grinning at the memory.

She didn't get what he said first, but as he spoke on it reminded her of her meeting with Amata. "You say you small long ago?" Clarifying with an accent that reeked of Italy, she lowered her haunches onto the sand so she could concentrate easier. The smile wasn't lost on her however, and she returned it, taking the opportunity to speak up for herself. "I want change. As you do - three." She did the very best she could to communicate a desire that had been rampant ever since she joined the pack. Two things that separated her from the rest of them were her language issue, an obstacle that was being overtaken with leaps and bounds, but the other was one that seemed too daunting to mention to others, even her sister. She spoke the words almost sheepishly, turquoise optics suddenly boring into the sand beneath her paws that was rapidly turning into a design that became darker as the silence wore on.

Confused by Jazper's actions for the second time that afternoon, she couldn't help wondering if Jazper was always this flighty around other wolves. Churring inwardly, she followed, dainty pawsteps silent behind the ebony shadow that flew over the land. She stayed a few feet behind him just for comfort's sake, so when he stopped she had some warning instead of the alternative - crashing into his butt. Their relationship wasn't quite at that level yet. When the ebony coated protector dropped the rabbit at her paws, she blinked, surprised, and a smile grew across her face. Bending her head, she spoke just before she picked the hare up. "Thank you - Very kind. You, me eat?" Unaware of the word she was seeking (share), she did her best in it's absence, hoping that she communicated her opinion effectively.

The topic changed to a darker one, surely one that every pack member that knew her before she left was wondering. Her expression grew more somber, but the delight at having been given a rabbit didn't completely fade. "So many want know, so few ask." She mused, setting the meal down again. "I like, si. Second harder." She took a moment afterwards, one that held the mystery of an answer within it's grasp. But what she wanted to say wasn't the mystery - what she could say in English was the real issue.

"Run away easy. Stay is not. But is good for more." How could she explain with the words she knew that she wanted to stay, but every day she was reminded of why she left? That the pack at times could seem like a collar and leash tying her to the spot? That sometimes she couldn't do all of the things she wanted to - such as disappear on an expedition for days on end, learning more about the land and wolves, because of the pack? "It hard to say with English." She gave a half laugh that accompanied her words, looking more troubled than when the pair had begun the talk.


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