the early bird gets the worm
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Ember had seen this territory from the outside before, but had never actually gone inside to see what all it had to offer. She was surprised to see all the deer that she did; the female called out to them as she walked in their native language, the language of the lower animals, and they responded from a safe distance away. She couldn't blame them; if she were a deer she'd be afraid of a big, powerful wolf like herself. The woman wore to the Lagoon what she wore almost every day, except for her cloak. She'd left that at home, fearing that the flooded territory would ruin her favorite clothing item. It didn't look too flooded out here now, though, as she came in from the outer edge. In fact, it was more muddy than anything else.

Movement in a nearby tree made her glance up, and her green eyes caught sight of a fox-snake. She'd seen one before, so it didn't seem like such a phenomenon to her to see a snake climbing up a tree. She called a hearty "good afternoon!" to it and recieved a backwards glance as a reponse. Ember began her trek through the bog eagerly, walking along fallen logs and leaping from one tree stump to the next. This place was awesome! It didn't seem like there would be many here, with all the mud, which made it the perfect place for her to come and relax. And snakes were cool; maybe she would see more as she went on.

She continued walking until around evening, getting throughly messy before she stopped to sit down for a bite to eat. She'd brought some dried rabbit meat with her and a bottle of water. Ember started chowing down, disregarding the specks of dirt on her hands, which were holding the food that she was putting into her mouth. It was only dirt--it wouldn't kill her!


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