Times Square can't shine as bright as you
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done

Live every second like it was my last one
She had been expecting the call, and yet even when it came she was shocked. Slightly alarmed and slightly excited, the Alpha was set into motion. She was on four paws, and had already prepared her bag of goodies. Soft blankets, though she knew they had enough in the house, herbs, a few pieces of dried meat, just the meager things she had wanted for her own birthing had been carefully packed into the worn leather bag. It was now across her shoulders, awkwardly swinging beneath her belly as she ran towards the sands. She expected to leave that night with a few scrapes, maybe some bruises, but seeing these children - Kaena's grandchildren, but most importantly Gabriel's firstborns, meant far more than anything the coyotes would do in retaliation for her being around.

When her feet touched the sands she took a moment, shifting her body so that she could walk and she could actually make sure of what she had brought. When she finally found the den site, she sucked in a breath and carefully made her way inside. Being shifted put her at a disadvantage for space, but it was more important that she was able to care for the family rather than just be comfortable. Smiling gently at the sight, she gave a brief glance to the two younger females before turning her attentions once more to the small family. Gabriel had never looked so proud. Beaming at him, she reached out and gently touched Faolin on the back, checking her breathing in a subtle way. "They're beautiful darling, how do you feel?" She withdrew her hand, instead diving into the bag to carefully pull out the contents. The herbs she kept in the bag, far away from the children just on the off chance one decided to investigate. "I brought some blankets and dried meat, just in case you needed them.." She murmured quietly. Turning her eyes from Faolin and the babies up to Gabriel, she finally asked the question that had been looming on her mind, "What are their names?"

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